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it all started with the idea that music fuses the muse and the musician into one and that this can be a massively or intimately shared experience. so, in order to address the love of electronic music, response. allows the users to collaborate in the re/creation of this fusion.

the intuitive interface of acid and the recreated feel of digital equipment found in rebirth have become a way for the masses to create new electronic music. but response. takes these programs and appropriates them into an opensource, multi-user interface able to network mus/cians. mixing the multiple audio stream combining concept from muse, allows collaboration to form into a combined voice. with a common library of samples, sounds and clips as well as homemade mods allow for creativity to take over while keeping everyone on the same page.
response. builds community through sharing not just music. members can share ideas, writing and more on the mix boards and create personal narratives in there profiles (powered byYaBB and livejournal). members are also encouraged to share their music in our mix library well as perform "live" via mp3s stream (using shoutcast or something similiar).

what's next?

response. hopes to publish some of the works created in an ongoing compliation with member motivated themes and artwork.


background info
response. home
kweerious home
beyond cybernetics