kweerious productions

music = muse AND musician what is music?

music has the potential to create emotion, communication, inspiration and experience in human listeners. at its best, it penetrates the boundaries of self and pulls the listener into its moment of sharing. music lives in a world that is built on our own and the connection between the two requires the muse and the muscian.
broken into its parts, music is a collection of sounds, which, if music theory has any say in the matter, are arranged in a series of mathematical patterns that are pleasing to the ear. ah, and it is the ear that is the key to the world of sound and of music.
music can be broken done in patterns of information, which can then be decoded and encoded again and again. more traditionally, music is performed live, but as technology advances music has evolved into different forms. music can be recorded onto tapes, vinyl, compact disc and dvd and played back later. no longer limited by temporality, music was free to make its next leap into digital form.

the music has you
instrument or playback device?

the making of music
the sharing of music

join the mix
