Gideon discussed the range of instruments in the NIME world by weighing the balance between making a toy and making a virtuostic tool. Well, I got stuck somewhere around toys. So, what I'm interested in building will revolve around children's toys and use cartoons as samples. I just want to have a little fun with it all, really.
Right now, I'm really caught up on the idea of talking toys. Simply adding in the ability to select and upload new samples would be nice and once one has been completed I wonder what a whole toy chest worth of toys could sound like together. I think I might start with pull string toys; particularly the pull string play wheels and plush taling toys. For some reason the idea of a Teddy Ruxpin leading the whole thing with a selection of breakbeats makes me breakout in smiles.
The experience I am envisioning is part war of the bangos meets children's play date. It would be readlly great to get a few toy instruments working, so that they can be played together. The music should be playful and, using the toy controllers, punctuated with sampled sound. I'm hoping that the playfulness on stage will spread to the audience as well. Perhaps it will be nostalgic for some people, but I'd like to think that the experience will also live in the moment as something cheerful and funny.