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the making of music
the sharing of music

sharing experience

music has become a large part of me in the years that i have been listening. it was always there, either in the form of invisible stories flowing from speakers that i was not paying attention to... or as radio signals bouncing off of buildings.. or in my neighbor's pocket as a cassette tape waiting to be heard again. once i entered the world of music by finally opening my ears, i emerged into the process my past experiences were enlightened by the music and my memories gave relevance to each song. the artists were attempting to speak to me and i would return the favor by attending concerts, buying cds, sharing those cds/experiences with friends. i've even toyed with remixing a little...sampling to be specific. rebuilding my own patchwork quilt of memory and experience into a new music that perhaps might also inspire someone else too.

rip. mix. burn (tm)


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film142: beyond cybernetics